Master Luke Chan describes the essence of learning Chinese, the first step is through PinYin. The fundamental four tones in PinYin can be learned through Dao of Chinese Four Tones. 

Dao of Chinese 汉音之道

What is the Dao of Chinese

Dao of Chinese is the worlds first way of learning fully learning Chinese in the most efficient way. A revolutionary invention made by Master Luke Chan. The method contains all of listening, saying, and reading Chinese words. One first familiarizes the way of speaking in Chinese through entering the course of learning all PinYin combination. This process speeds up the process of learning because it simulates a new born native Chinese speaker  learning Chinese from the very beginning.Then one proceeds into recognizing the Chinese characters that correspond to each and every one of these PinYin combination. The 6000 Chinese words are thus completely absorbed by the student. The student may proceed the learning of Chinese through reading books, where all the wisdom of this ancient country has to provide.

Why Dao of Chinese

After years of practicing Chinese, master Chan discovered the flaws in the current way of teaching Chinese not only to foreigners, but also the native speakers. The process of learning Chinese is slow and tedious, it requires years of school work and every year Chinese students learn a merely few hundred words in one year. Dao of Chinese grasps this pattern, and covers all 6000 common words in Chinese through learning all combinations of PinYin(400 and 1600). The advantages of Dao of Chinese is we collect all combination of Pin Yin into one video, one may then expose oneself into the atmosphere of all the words in Chinese, a merely 400 pinyin with four standard syllable. As long as one understands the four standard syllable, one can successfully understand and pronunciate 1600 PinYin combination. The courses in this website allows one to practice and follow master Luke Chan with understanding the techniques and secrets of PinYin learning.


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