"Dao of Chinese author Luke Chan's innovative approach to teaching Chinese redefines traditional language education by leveraging cognitive neuroscience and the timeless wisdom of the Dao De Jing."
- Dr. Simone Sancinelli

Dao of Chinese has four Major Innovations:

#第一个创新 #First Innovation:Use 39 Finals to record all Pinyin Syllables

人不练功,功练人 The entire chart is recorded and you can listen to the Syllables effortlessly and soak them in like children learning how to speakWithin an hour of listening, you will be able to hear all Chinese Syllables spoken daily by Mandarin speakers. Before you know it, you will be able to speak Mandarin Chinese. This is called the Dao of Chinese, learning without learning.

#第二个创新 #Second Innovation:
Pinyin Tones are standardized by musical instruments making learning Tones possible

Why has nobody ever thought of using guitar to standardize the Pinyin tones? Because nobody in China dares to think outside the box! 第二个特点,我们这套汉音之道,在听读影评时,用到的是乐器伴奏的方式,在四个声调做到了标准化。大家都知道,跟学校跟老师读,在家里和家里和家人读,每个人的声调都是不一样的,容易发生跑调的现象,如果跟着我们这一套音频练习的话,乐器的固定音高,和专业老师的发音,可以一直带着学生来练习,将汉字拼音做到标准化


#第三个创新 #Third Innovation:
Connect all Chinese characters with Hanyu Pinyin using Triangle Diagrams


#第四个创新 #Fourth Innovation: Demystifies the difficulty of Chinese because you already know how to write Chinese characters

古为今用,一脉相通video道德经)Chinese characters, which are old and time tested, have intrinsic value with tones while the Pinyin systemwhich is relatively new, has only sounds with tones. Therefore, Pinyin is only a tool, not the end of learning Chinese. The goal of learning Chinese is to learn Chinese wisdom through learning Chinese characters. The Tao of Chinese Chart organizes the Chinese characters into meaningful categories and provides a great way to use the new invention of Pinyin to preserve the old Chinese wisdom.


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The most important branches of the Hanyu Pinyin Tree are Initials 声母, Finals 韵母, and Tones音调. The original 1958 Official Hanyu Pinyin publication clearly defined Initials声母 as having no tone, Finals 韵母 as having 39 distinct vowels, and Tones音调 as music tones. Somehow, a set of rules (ignoring the original 1958 Publication) has been established for teaching the students 24 vowels, no standard for tones, and no meaningful connection with Hanzi. These rules have been strictly followed in Chinese schools making learning Hanyu Pinyin difficult if not impossible!