6 Memorize easily the complete HSK Vocabulary List by using the Triangle Diagram of Dao of Chinese 汉字.

This course includes the recording of all the Chinese Characters appearing in the official HSK Vocabulary List. There are 23 groups of vocabulary recordings. The total recording time is about six hours. Students are encouraged to study the HSK Vocabularies, and listen repeatedly to the recordings. Advanced students are encouraged to write down the characters on paper to reinforce memory.

Since the recordings are logically arranged according to the Initials, it is possible to learn while you sleep. Your subconscious mind can follow and learn, especially during the hours before you get up. The pronunciation becomes clear as you are lying down without distraction.

Course Instruction: 1. Repeat aloud after each lesson for one month. 2. Listen to the entire recording while you sleep for 100 days. 3. Adjust the schedule according to your own level.

Introduction to HSK Vocabulary List

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